Ukraine is one of the leading manufacturers of honey and has great potential on the world market. By constantly increasing volumes of export and expanding the geography of our consumers we have achieved the recognition of Ukrainian honey in the world, have increased the competitiveness of Ukrainian apiculture and have earned a strong reputation.

The Group of Companies «Sodruzhestvo” – is one of the leading financial and industrial groups in Ukraine which includes more than 30 enterprises and subsidiaries, companies of different activities. The Company employs more than 5000 people.

New direction – preform, blending and export of honey was introduced in 2009. A lot of foreign consumers liked honey from Ukraine. Honey attracts them by beautiful golden color, intense aroma, delicate consistency and variety of taste. Due to abidance of high technological requirements for the product, its storage and transportation our Company over several years successfully promotes Ukrainian honey in the world market.

The Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo” is a dynamically developing exporter of Ukrainian honey. Export destinations of this natural product are performed in 3 large directions: countries of the European Union, USA, Russian Federation. Our clients are the biggest companies – packers of honey. High productivity of lines, continued availability of the product in stock, individual approach to each consumer – are the three whales for successful business which allowed our Company to become the leader on this market.

And today at “Apimondia 2013” – one of the brightest events in the history of apiculture of Ukraine, we invite all manufacturers, hivers, honey packers and consumers to visit an exhibition of the GK “Sodruzhestvo”.

We are always ready for cooperation and dialogue.

The Organising Committee

Victor Yuschenko

President of the 43st Apimondia Congress

President of Ukraine

Tetyana Vasylkivska

President of the Organisation Committee

Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Chairperson

Leonid Bodnarchuk

Vice-President of the Organisation Committee

P. I. Prokopovych Institute of Beekeeping National Research Centre – Director

Beekeepers’ Union of Ukraine – President

Sergiy Melnychuk

Scientific Coordinator

Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of AIC products – Director

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine – Vice-rector

Anatoliy Kharkovenko

Technical Coordinator

Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Board member

Yurij Riphyak

Communication Coordinator

Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Board member

Mariia Guk

Administrative Manager

Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Board member

Olena Badichka

General accountant

Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Accountant

Sergii Shmulia


Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGO – Deputy Chairman

Technical Tours

Technical tours will be organized on the last day of the Congress, Sunday the 20th of September, and will include choice trips to the following places in Kyiv and its vicinities:

  • Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of aic Products with a separate section dealing with beekeeping products. This is the largest institution of its kind in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe. The laboratory boasts the cutting-edge equipment and does the entire range of research work required by the agrarian sector. Along with the National Agrarian University the laboratory is an offi cial partner of the Apimondia Congress Scientifi c Program.
  • P. I. Prokopovych Institute of Beekeeping National Research Center with experimental apiary and unique Beekeeping Museum featuring collection that no other museum in the world even comes close to.
  • Beekeeping production farm near Kyiv. The farm of mixed production and breeding type outputs wide range of beekeeping products including propolis, royal jelly, bred queen bees, and bee packages.
  • Honey beverage factory. Located in a picturesque place just a few miles away from Kyiv, the factory produces over 20 types of various honey beverages using traditional Ukrainian recipes, which received numerous awards at the most prestigious international fairs. The factory also has an exhibition museum. The program includes tasting of beverages.
  • Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. This huge monastic complex inscribed as unesco World Heritage Site includes quite large monastery apiary. The Lavra’s monks make their own candles, honey, and honey beverages. Besides visiting the monastery apiary, the program includes visits to the Museum of Historical Treasures and unique collection of microminiatures.
  • Andriyivskyy Descent. The program of each technical tour includes visit to this place called “Montmartre of Kyiv”, a neighborhood of cozy cafes, art galleries, and theaters in the shade of the majestic Church of Saint Andrew the First Called. Guests of the Congress can buy here any souvenir they could think of to take fond memories of Kyiv back home.

Also, program of each technical tour includes lunch with local beekeepers in a traditional Ukrainian outdoor restaurant.

Kyiv, an Ancient and Eternally Young City

‘The cradle of the East Slavic civilization’, ‘mother of all Russian cities’, ‘majestic and golden-domed’, ‘a city of parks’ – all these are the epithets given to the more than one-and-a-half thousand years-old Kyiv. It was founded at the end of the V century AD by the legendary East Slavic tribe leader Kyi (and the city is named after him, translated as ‘belonging to Kyi’), his brothers Schek and Khoriv, and also their sister Lybid. At first, Kyiv was a fortress city located on the bank of the Dnipro River at the intersection of trade routes of Greeks and Varangians (Vikings).

Continue reading “Kyiv, an Ancient and Eternally Young City”


Company nameBoothCountryStreet
Adamek-Grażyna AdamekB13PolandBarberry avenue
Agro East Trade LtdA53UkraineBuckwheat avenue
AgrobiopromA46Russian FederationEchinops Street
ALNuMed GmbH & Research Center for Bio-Macromolecules, Univ. BayreuthC48(a)GermanyLungwort alley
Altıparmak Gıda San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.A56(e)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Alpaca Ltdb62(b)UkraineChicory avenue
Anavarza BalA56(a)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Andermatt BioVet AGA28(a)SwitzerlandBarberry avenue
ANEL CoA26A27A36A37GreeceLinden Street
ANG FoundationA56(n)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Anhui Export Development Co. LtdB68ChinaChicory avenue
Anna Mariusz WąsA43(d)PolandDandelion Street
Apiario Diamante Comercial Exportadora LtdaA49(o)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Apiário SolA49(a)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Apicasfer S.L.B22SpainViola avenue
Apidava s.r.l.B38RomaniaHawthorn Street
APIDEA Vertriebs AGA28(a)SwitzerlandBarberry avenue
APIDIS/Family Perronneau beekeepers since 1890A38(b)FranceWhite acacia square
Apidouro Coml Export & Import Ltda – The Favor of NatureA49(b)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Apilab SRL Healthy BeesA24ArgentinaBarberry avenue
Apimab LaboratoiresC41FranceBuckwheat alley
ApiMaye Beekeping EquipmentA56(f)A56(o)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Apimaye-UkraineB64UkraineChicory avenue
“Apiproduktai” JSCС39LithuaniaWhite acacia avenue
Apis FloraA49(c)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Apis India LimitedB7(a)IndiaHawthorn Street
ApislaviaC10C11SlovakiaRapeseed Street
ApitecB2GreeceSunflower avenue
ApiTrade Africa Co. LtdA44(b)UgandaDandelion Street
ApivitaB21CroatiaViola avenue
Arab Beekeeper UnionB31EgyptHawthorn Street
Argentina – Fundacion ExportarA54A55ArgentinaBuckwheat avenue
Aritours d.o.o./ ApiRoutesA40(с)SloveniaWhite Acacia Square
Arkadiki MelissokomiaA48(b)GreeceWhite Acacia Square
Association of Beekeepers of Côte d’Ivoire (AACI)A40Ivory CoastViola avenue
ATS-Ukraine LtdB26B56UkraineEchium Street
“Balatoni” Malvin Bt.C7HungaryRapeseed Street
Bartnik LLCA41(a)UkraineDogwood Street
Bayer AGA55(b)GermanyBuckwheat avenue
Bee and CottonC17BulgariaRapeseed Street
Bee Brazil / AbemelA49BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Bee Technologies, LLCC50USALungwort alley
BeetestB16RussiaBarberry avenue
BeeVital GmbHC22AustriaBarberry avenue
Beez India Ltd.B63IndiaChicory avenue
Beijing Yipinquan bee products Co., LtdB34ChinaHawthorn Street
Benka Aricilik Ve Tarim Malzemeleri Imalat Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ticaret Limited ŞirketA56(b)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Bernhard Rietsche GmbHA25GermanyLinden Street
BG Quality Honey LtdB3BulgariaSunflower avenue
BioHAYATA56(d)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Biowet Pulawy Ltd.B14PolandBarberry avenue
Breyer e Cia Ltda. Organic bee productsA49(d)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Brij Health Care (Brij Honey)A28IndiaBarberry avenue
Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGOB41UkraineHawthorn Street
Çalcalar Gıda Tur. İnş. Tic. Ve San. Ltd. ŞtiA56(m)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Changge Huairui Bee Products Co., LtdB24ChinaViola avenue
Changge Multi-sweet Biotech Co., LtdC49ChinaLungwort alley
Changge Xingyang Bee Products Co.,LtdB11ChinaSunflower avenue
Changxing Bee Products Co., Ltd. Henan ProvinceB69ChinaChicory avenue
CharunkaB66UkraineChicory avenue
Chemicals Laif S.p.A.B19(a)ItalyViola avenue
Chiaramello s.r.l.C23ItalyViola avenue
Chung Jin Biotech Co., LtdA4South KoreaSunflower avenue
Cıvan Beekeepıng Company – BursaA56(g)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Comercial Apícola Rossend Margalef S.L.B52SpainEchium Street
Corpo Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.A50PolandBuckwheat avenue
Czech Beekeepers UnionC47Czech RepublicLungwort alley
Daejeon Metropolitan CityA46(e)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
Enolapi s.r.l.C3ItalyRapeseed Street
Ercika Plastik ve Metal Enjeksiyon.A55(a)TurkeyDogwood Street
Essenciale Ltda – Essenciale Bee ProductsA49(e)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Estonian Professional Beekeepers AssociationC40EstoniaBuckwheat alley
Evrotom D.O.O.A35(a)SerbiaViola avenue
Experimental design bureau Apisphera-MC1RussiaRapeseed Street
FAI – Federazione Apicoltori ItalianiA46(c)_A47_A47(b)ItalyWhite Acacia Square
Floramo Corp.S.r.l. Analisi Chimiche e ricercheA40(a)ItalyEchinops Street
Floranectar Ind. Com. Imp. e Exp. LtdaA49(f)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Giordan SASA51ItalyDandelion Street
Hangzhou Biyutian Health Products Co., LtdB60(a)ChinaChicory avenue
Hangzhou Tienchu Miyuan Health Food Co.,LtdC15ChinaRapeseed Street
Henan Fumei bio-technology Co., LtdB48ChinaEchium Street
Henan purui bees products co.,LtdB15ChinaBarberry avenue
HeNan WeiKang bees products Co. LtdA2ChinaSunflower avenue
Henan Zhuoyu Garden Bees Products CO.,LtdA9ChinaSunflower avenue
Hi-tech Natural Products (India) LtdB32IndiaHawthorn Street
Honig Mehler GmbH & Co. KGC24GermanyViola avenue
Huzar Sp. z o.o.C54PolandHawthorn Street
Hyundae AMA46(g)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
ICKO Apiculture FranceA38(a)FranceWhite Acacia Square
Incı Beekeepıng EquıpmentB35TurkeyHawthorn Street
International Bee Research AssociationС43United KingdomBuckwheat alley
Intertek Food Services GmbHB40GermanyBuckwheat alley
Jiangxi Wong’s Bee Garden Ltd.A15ChinaDogwood Street
Jobim – Bee Products From BraziA49(g)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Joel Svenssons Vaxfabrik ABA11SwedenSunflower avenue
Kashmir Apiaries ExportsA44(a)IndiaConeflower Street
Kessler Iberica (Alsol Import, S.L.)C12SpainRapeseed Street
Kkoh Shaem FoodA46(d)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
Koppert Biological SystemsC33The NetherlandsApple alley
Korea Beekeeping AssociationA46(b)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
Kutaisi City HallC37GeorgiaWhite acacia avenue
LambertucciA49(h)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
LankoffC56C57PolandChicory avenue
Lega s.r.l. Italy, Beekeeping EquipmentsA48ItalyWhite Acacia Square
LLC “Chepko And Ch”B62Russian FederationChicory avenue
LLC “The Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo”A39UkraineWhite Acacia Square
LLC Ukrainian Honey GroupA40(b)UkraineEchinops Street
Logar Trade D.O.O. SloveniaB19SloveniaBarberry avenue
Longkou Fengyuan Bee Forage co.,ltd.B12ChinaSunflower avenue
Ltd company “AVV-100”C58UkraineChicory avenue
Lugansk National Agrarian UniversityA44UkraineDogwood Street
Lvchun (Beijing) biological technology development centerA2ChinaSunflower avenue
M.B Exim (P) LtdB37IndiaWhite acacia avenue
Magle Life SciencesC2SwedenRapeseed Street
Mann Lake LtdA10USALinden Street
Med Podillya, LtdА53(а)UkraineBuckwheat avenue
Medas, s.r.o.C42SlovakiaBuckwheat alley
Medovy Dom LLCA44(g)RussiaConeflower Street
MelbrasA49(i)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Melissokomiki Athinon S.A.A55(d)GreeceDogwood Street
Mieles Del Chaco – ArgenmielesB71ArgentinaChicory avenue
Minamel Agroindústria Ltda.A49(j)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
MN PRÓPOLIS Ind. Com. e Exp. LTDAA49(k)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
“MULTI AGRO” Scientific and Production Center LLCB49ArmeniaEchium Street
NASSENHEIDER beekeeping- and bottling technologyB20GermanyHawthorn Street
National Alliance Beekeepers of KazakhstanB55KazakhstanEchium Street
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of UkraineA59UkraineChicory avenue
Natucentro PropolisA49(l)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
NCC “P.I. Prokopovich Beekeeping Institute”B70UkraineChicory avenue
Nectar Farmaceutica – PharmanectarA49(m)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Nedochukov Vladimir IvanovichC16Russian FederationRapeseed Street
«Nika»/Medovoe RazdolieIndirect participationRussiaHawthorn Street
Ningbo Jinteng Bee Co., Cld.B25ChinaViola avenue
NOD Global Ltd.C4CanadaRapeseed Street
OOO “Peredovaja paseka”A57Russian FederationWhite Acacia Square
Orient Bee SuppliesA41ChinaEchinops Street
P.P. Tomasz LysonA50aPolandWhite acacia avenue
P.P.H ApiKozB18PolandBarberry avenue
Paradise Honey LtdA45aFinlandWhite acacia avenue
Parafarm LtdC52Russia
Parodi Apicultura – Matrunita Mediterranea S.R.L.A29ItalyViola avenue
PAXIS Ltd.C32RussiaApple alley
Pcelin DOC13SerbiaRapeseed Street
“PHYTO-APIPHARM” LLC – “Korotkov’s balsams”B54KazakhstanEchium Street
Piroda Kft.B47HungaryEchium Street
Polish Beekeping AssociationA50bPolandBuckwheat avenue
Primavet-Sofia LtdB30BulgariaHawthorn Street
Private Join-Stock Company “Bdzholoagroservis”C46UkraineLungwort alley
Prodapys Organic HoneyA49(n)BrazilWhite acacia avenue
Pszczelarz Kozacki Pasieka Tadeusz KozakB43PolandHawthorn Street
Quality Services International GmbHC5GermanyRapeseed Street
Quarti ItalyC14ItalyRapeseed Street
Randox Food DiagnosticsA47aUnited KingdomWhite Acacia Square
Reina Kilama, Sdad. Coop.C26SpainViola avenue
Romanian Beekeeper’s AssociationA45(b)RomaniaEchinops Street
Russia. Bashkir HoneyA44(h)RussiaDogwood Street
Russian Honey Company LLCB36RussiaHawthorn Street
Sadecki BartnikA41(a)PolandDogwood Street
SAF Natura SrlB53ItalyEchium Street
Sangdi Honeybee Co. LtdB50B51ChinaEchium Street
SC. Cocor Impex SRLC27RomaniaEchinops alley
SC Teclem Prod SRLC21RomaniaBarberry avenue
Serbian Federation of Beekeeping OrganisationsC25SerbiaEchinops alley
Shakti Api Foods Pvt. Ltd.B65IndiaChicory avenue
Shanghai Bainiang Apiculture Co. LtdA6A7A8ChinaSunflower avenue
Silesian Beekeepers Association in KatowiceА52PolandDandelion Street
Slovak Beekeepers AssociationB72SlovakiaChicory avenue
Solutionbee LLCC6USARapeseed Street
Südzucker AG Mannheim/OchsenfurtA17GermanySunflower avenue
Sun Bee Ukraine LLCB61UkraineChicory avenue
Suzen Beekeeping EquipmentC53TurkeyChicory avenue
Sweden Candidate for Apimondia 2017 45th CongressA47(d)SwedenEchium Street
Swienty A/SA3DenmarkSunflower avenue
Tanzania Forest Services (TFS) AgencyA44(c)TanzaniaDandelion Street
Terra Incognita Travel Agency LLCA39(a)UkraineViola avenue
Thai Beekeepers AssociationC45ThailandLungwort alley
The Federation of Beekeeping Associations of Romania “ROMAPIS”C9RomaniaRapeseed Street
The Russian National Union of BeekeepersA47(c)RussiaWhite Acacia Square
The Tentorium® ApicompanyA48aRussiaWhite Acacia Square
Thomas Apiculture – FranceB32(a)FranceHawthorn Street
Tolnagro Ltd.B4HungarySunflower avenue
Tourism Department Kyiv City State AdministrationА38А38(с)UkraineViola avenue
Tuchel & Sohn GmbHВ22GermanyViola avenue
Turkish Association of BeekeepersA56(q)TurkeyWhite Acacia Square
Ukrainian Honey Ltd.B28UkraineViola avenue
Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of AIC productsA58UkraineDogwood Street
UkrzoovetprompostachC29UkraineEchinops alley
Union of Ukrainian Beekeepers NGOB42UkraineHawthorn Street
Vernalis Bt. HungaryB6HungaryHawthorn Street
Véto-pharmaA35FranceViola avenue
Vita (Europe) LimitedA16A21United KingdomDogwood Street
VI-VA-LTD Co. Ltd.C28UkraineEchinops alley
White Pak Leather IndustriesC8PakistanRapeseed Street
«Wilara», JSCB5LithuaniaHawthorn Street
Wuhan Yimin beeproduct Co., LtdB46ChinaEchium Street
XNOXA12A13A22(a)A23MexicoSunflower avenue
Yangbong NonghyupA46(c)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
Yasaeng Beekeeping SuppliesA46(f)Republic of KoreaWhite Acacia Square
Zhengzhou Cinobee Industry Corp., LtdB64(a)ChinaChicory avenue
Zlatomed GroupA46(a)UkraineEchinops Street
Zphu Andrzej KokoszkaB17PolandBarberry avenue


Congress Venue:

International Exhibition Centre
15, Brovarsky ave.

The cheapest and quickest way is taking Metro (underground) train, red line, to Livoberezhna (Лівобережна) station. The Congress venue is 10 min walk from the station.

Bakkara, Bratislava, Tourist and Adria hotels are all situated at walking distance from the venue.


Ukraine in Brief

Location – in Eastern Europe, incorporates Crimea Autonomous Republic.

Area – 603,628 km2

Population – 45,888 (January 2010)

Time zone – EET (UTC+2

Summer time zone – EEST (UTC+3)

Internet TLD – .ua

Calling code – +380

Capital – Kyiv (2,8 million inhabitants).

Other big cities – Kharkiv (1, 68 million), Dnepropetrovsk (1,23 million), Donetsk (1,15 million), Odesa (1,12 million), Lviv (800 thousand).

Official language – Ukrainian

Dominant religion – Christianity (Orthodox, Greek-Catholic) 

Currency – Hryvnia =100 kopiykas ( € 1.00 – 10.27 UAH, $ 1.00 – 7.99 UAHm – May 2012)

Independence: since 24 August 1991 


  • Total area – 603 628 km2
  • Water area (%) – 7 %


  • Total – 45,888 (January 2010)
  • Density – 77/km2 (115th)

Government: Unitary semi-presidential republic

  • President – Viktor Yanukovych
  • Prime Minister – Mykola Azarov
  • Speaker of the Parliament – Volodymyr Lytvyn


Ukraine is independent country under a mixed semi-parliamentary semi-presidential system with separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The country has a constitution. The head of state is a President of Ukraine elected by the direct popular vote by Ukrainian citizens who are 18 years and over. The highest legislative body of Ukraine is unicameral parliament – Verkhovna Rada. The highest executive body of Ukraine is the Cabinet of Ministers.


Ukraine has a mostly temperate continental climate, although a more Mediterranean climate is found on the southern Crimean coast.

Economy of Ukraine

Ukraine is a country with developed scientific and industrial base, a member of the World Trade Organization (from May 16, 2008). National economy includes such industries as heavy machinery, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, shipbuilding, production of buses, cars, trucks, tractors and other agricultural equipment, locomotives, machine tools, turbines, aircraft engines and aircraft equipment for power stations, oil and chemical industry and others. In addition, Ukraine is a powerful producer of electricity. Some sectors of economy of Ukraine are developing with high quality technologies.  On a good level are put the production of carrier rockets, satellites and equipment for space exploration. Ukraine is a major manufacturer of military equipment – tanks, military transport aircraft, anti-aircraft missile systems, optical equipment.

January 1New Year’s Day
January 7Orthodox Christmas
March 8International Women’s Day
May 1 & 2Labour Days
May 9Victory Day
June 28Constitution Day
August 24Independence Day
Variable dateOrthodox Easter
Variable dateHoly Trinity Day (Triytsya)

Did you know that…

….Ukraine is the largest country located fully within Europe?

….geographically, Ukraine is located in Central Eastern Europe?

…..Ukraine is the fifth-ranked country in Europe (after Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and France) and the 21st in the world population-wise? Ukraine is the home to 7.3% of the population of Europe and 1% of the world population?

……in Western Ukraine between the cities Uzhhorod and Rakhiv stands a historical marker ‘Geographical centre of Europe’? The status of this place was fixed at the congress of geographers in Vienna back in the XIX century, which became the first scientific attempt in the world to determine the centre of the European continent?

….four of ten European transport corridors are running thorough Ukrainian territory?

…..Ukraine has more than a quarter of all fertile black earth in the world?

…..the longest river in Ukraine is Dnipro? Out of its total length of 2201 km, 981 km is running thorough Ukraine. Dnipro is the third river in Europe in terms of the length and basin area (after Volga and Danube). Its source is the Aksenninsky Turf Swamp in the southern part of the Valdai Hills, and the river empties into Dniprovsky Estuary of the Black Sea. 65% of the total area of Dnipro basin is located within Ukraine?

….the longest cave is Ukraine is called ‘Optimistic’ and located in gypsum rocks of Podillya, Ternopil Oblast? In that cave the scientists have found and mapped 216 kilometers of passages, galleries, and grottos located 20 meters deep, which makes the Optimistic Cave the longest cave in the Old World, the longest cave in the world in gypsum rock, and the second-longest cave in the world (behind limestone Mammoth Cave in the USA). Next to it, and also in Ternopil Oblast, is the second-longest cave in Ukraine called Ozerna: its labyrinth is 114 km long. 

…..Five Ukrainian sites representing outstanding cultural and natural landmarks and constituting historical and cultural assets of the entire mankind were included to the list of UNESCO World Heritage:

  • Kiev – Saint-Sophia Cathedra
  • Kiev – Related Monastic Buildings, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
  • L’viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre
  • Struve Geodetic Arc
  • Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians

… Ukraine is a large grain producers (belonging to the top three of the largest barley producer). Along with France, Germany, and the USA, Ukraine is one of the largest producers of sugar beet, ahead of the neighboring Poland and Turkey. Ukraine is one of the seven largest producers of sugar, vegetable oil, pork, and potato in the world, and the fifth-largest honey producer in the world?

… Ukraine spends US 590 million annually on its defense? Ukraine is the only country in the world which had voluntarily given up the nuclear weapons, and although the Hollywood producers like to show in their films the terrorists stealing nuclear bomb from Ukraine, it’s simply not true.

…..Ukraine is the 4th-ranked country in the world in terms of the number of citizens with higher education? Ukrainian population is one of the most educated in the world, and the per capita number of people with higher education is higher than the average European index.

… Ukraine has 5 sectoral state academies: Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Academy of Medical Sciences, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Legal Sciences, and Academy of Arts?

… The majority of Ukrainian population (about 70 %) speaks Ukrainian language? It differs substantially from Russian. Our language is more beautiful and melodious. Ukrainian language is considered the third lovely-sounding language in the world after the French and Japanese languages, and the World Conference of Linguists held in Rome in the middle of the 1920’s recognized Ukrainian the second-melodious language in the world after Italian. Ukrainian language belongs to the most widely used languages in the world and is ranked 26th in terms of the number of speakers. It is also the second most-spoken among the Slavic languages after Russian. About 31 million people in Ukraine can speak Ukrainian. About 4.1 million Ukrainians living in the Russian Federation speak Ukrainian language.

… The person to whom the most number of monuments was erected in the world is our Taras Shevchenko, a genial Ukrainian poet, artist, and thinker?

… First kerosene lamp was invented in 1853 in Lviv by pharmacists Ihnatiy Lukasevych and Jan Zech who worked in the pharmacy ‘Under the Golden Star’? The same year, the first surgery was performed in a Lviv hospital under the light of a kerosene lamp. Soon, kerosene lamp was exhibited at the international fair in Munich where the invention was awarded a special diploma?

….The first frame hive was invented in 1814 by PI Prokopovych

… In the 1950’s the first computer in continental Europe was built by S. Lebedev, and the digital automata theory was developed by V. Glushkov, based on which new-generation computers were created in Ukraine (‘Ukraine’, МІР)?

… The 1920s – 1940s witnessed creation of the largest charged particle accelerator in Europe, development and implementation of the theory of welding under the layer of flux (by Y. Paton)?

… Trembita used by Hutsuls in the Ukrainian Carpathians is the longest wind musical instrument in the world?



Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations and other organizations working within the apiculture sector that integrates leading specialists, scientists, businessmen and public figures of beekeeping industry.

The headquarters of the Federation is located  in Rome. The head of the organization is the President of Apimondia – Gilles Ratia. The Secretary General of Apimondia is Riccardo Jannoni-Sebastianini.

Today members of Apimondia are represented by different beekeepers association from more than 115 countries. Every two years since 1897, Apimondia is holding in different countries International Apicultural Congresses that are the largest events in the world of beekeeping.

Apimondia facilitates scientific, technical, environmental, social and economic development of beekeeping in different world’s countries.

International Apimondia Congresses have an aim to give an opportunity of exchanging of information, personal experience and achievements among beekeepers, scientist, honey-traders and equipment manufacturers, agents for development, technicians and legislators. The right to host the Congress has to be won in competition among the other applicants by the clamming country.

For the effective solutions of the most important tasks Apimondia closely cooperates with:

  1. FAO and other UN agencies (PNUD, UNIDO, etc.)
  2. Regional associations such as:
    • Apislavia
    • AAA (Asian Apicultural Association)
    • Balkan Beekeeping Federation
    • FILAPI (Iberico-Latino-Americano)
    • Nordic Beekeeper Association
    • EBPA (European Professional Beekeepers Association)
    • ACBO (Association of Caribbean Beekeepers Organizations)
    • Arab Beekeepers’ Union
    • ApiTrade Africa
    • Etc.
  3. Other beekeeping association such as:
    • CoLoss (Colony Losses Scientific Network)
    • IBRA (International Bee Research Association)
    • IHC (International Honey Commission)
    • HIPA (Association of Honey Importers)
    • FEEDM (Fédération Européenne Des Emballeurs Et Distributeurs De Miel European Federation of Honey Packers and Distributors)
    • Etc.

Nowadays, the Apimondia structure includes apiarianassociations frommore than115 countries.The total number ofbeekeepers, worldwide apiarian association members that are a part of Apimondia, encounters3,548,863 people.

The total number of professionals who are not  beekeepers,  but  their  work is closely related to beekeeping  (scientists,  apitherapists, educators,  traders, equipment and medicinal products manufacturers, veterinary drugs manufacturers, representatives of tourist  companies, government  agencies and others),  and who are considered to be a part of Apimondia,  encounters about 15% of the number of beekeepers – worldwide  beekeepers  associations  members. 

Congress Event Summary


  • Time – 29 September – 4 October 2013
  • Location – International Exhibition Centre, Brovarsky Ave 15, Kyiv.
  • Motto – “Discover the European Honeyland”
  • Main advantages – the most prestigious, massive and comprehensive event in beekeeping, both on domestic and global level.
  • Size of event – the third in scope, after the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 and the European Football Championship 2012 event in Ukraine.
  • Organizers – The Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII Apimondia International Congress (formed by the signing of the Letter of Agreement on September 16, 2009 in Montpellier (France) and implemented on September 19, 2009) consists of the representatives of the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations Apimondia, and Ukrainian representatives –  members of the national beekeeping organizations “Beekeepers’ Brotherhood of Ukraine” and the “Beekeepers Union of Ukraine”, also Director of Ukrainian Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Laboratory, Director of the International Exhibition Center and Director of Tourism agency “Terra Incognita.
  • Official support in 2009 – The official Support is provided by the governmental organizations. The official letters were sent to the President of Apimondia from: Prime Minister of Ukraine, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, Kiev City Administration, Ukrainian National University of bio-resources and nature exploitation, Ukrainian Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Laboratory, P.I. Prokopovych Institute of Beekeeping” National Scientific Center, Ukrainian International Airlines. “Terra Incognita” travel agency and the exhibition company, International Exhibition Centre, etc.
  • Official support in 2011 – On June 6, 2011, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed the order “On supporting of the International Congress Apimondia by the President of Ukraine” in order to promote the development of domestic beekeeping, to strengthen the image of Ukraine in the world and consolidate  the international affairs. Also the Organizing Committee of the 43rd International Apimondia Congress received a letter of support from the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. On July 14, 2011, the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress members and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine representatives signed the protocol of Intentions and the program of mutual cooperation in the preparation and holding the 43rd International Apimondia Congress in 2013. The Organizing Committee of the Apimondia Congress received an official support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Autonomous Republic of Crime.
  • Participants – more than 12 000 beekeeping industry representatives, from over 100 countries – the leading industry experts and specialists, scientists, international and national organizations representatives, public figures, manufacturers of beekeeping equipment and , veterinary products and other products related with beekeeping; exporters and importers of beekeeping products and also beekeepers both amateurs and professionals.
  • Scientific program – the scientific direction of Apimondia Congress will be carried under the titleBeyond the Hive: Beekeeping and Global Challenges, and will be dedicated to studying of the potential of beekeeping industry in solving of the global problems facing humanity today. We believe that in today’s dynamic and globalized world the beekeeping science have to reach beyond the narrow field of specialization and take an active position in finding solutions to such important issues as environmental pollution and exhaustion of natural resources, poverty and social inequality, cultural barriers, pandemics, and diseases of human civilization. Having discovered one of the greatest wonders of nature, bee family and its products, we have to think how we can use their miraculous power to make our world better.
  • Scientific program consists of: 7 plenary sessions of the Apimondia standing commissions; 5 plenary sessions of the Regional Apimondia commissions that will represent main achievements of the experts from five parts of the world; 16 thematic symposia within the seven Scientific Committees and the section of social and cultural aspects of beekeeping, proposed by the Ukrainian Organizing Committee; 4 Round Tables on the most important issues and problems of beekeeping. 
  • The scientific conferences are going to be held with the participation of over 800 scientists from around the world that represent about 400 scientific papers and over 800 poster presentations.The official language of the scientific program is going to be English. Also is going to be provided the simultaneous translation into Ukrainian and Russian languages. 
  • Working languages are : main (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, German) and additional (Korean, Chinese, Japanese). All informational materials will be prepared in these languages, as well as simultaneous translation will be held in these languages during the scientific program of the Congress and live broadcasting. Additional languages will be fully or partially involved in case of sufficient applications clearance for these. 
  • ApiEXPO-2013 – International Exhibition ApiEXPO-2013 will be held with the participation of at least 300 participants from around the world. International Exhibition Centre has 58 000 square meters for beekeeping companies from all over the world, so they can offer their products for thousands of beekeepers who want to find the best and latest in terms of sanitation, nutrition, veterinary medicine, apitherapy, tools, equipment, clothing, machinery, services materials, technology and other products associated with boost of productivity and innovation.
  • Honey World Championship – more than 100 nominations for honey, beeswax, honey drinks and other beekeeping products with new, harmonized quality standards, as well as for innovations, inventions, collections, printing etc.
  • Cultural and Social Program – There are going to be organized a lot of different events such as: the grand Opening and Closing Ceremony of the Congress, the national parties, flash mobs, promotions and contests for visitors, new records setting for Ukraine and Guinness book of records and etc. Also a number of priority Social and Cultural projects such as “Show Room”, “Video room”, “Apimondia open to the public”, “Apimondia for Children”, “Gallery of Contemporary Art”, “International Museum of Beekeeping” and this is not the whole list of events that will be provided to attract more people to participate in the Apimondia Congress.
  • Contest Program (for Ukrainian participants) – The Contest program has an aim to find and show the most interesting, creative, informative and modern topics in Ukrainian beekeeping. It will have a lot of activities such as photography contest, contest of literary works, scientific popular and reference informative articles contest; contests for children and young audiences, etc. The winners will be awarded with the Certificate of the Full Delegate of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress. In addition, the best exhibits will be selected to be shown during the Apimondia Congress. And the smallest winners in the competitions for the children will receive special sweet and interesting prizes.
  • Apimondia Sessions – Two scheduled General Assembly sessions of the Apimondia International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations will be held within Congress, during which major issues concerning the functioning and existence of organization will be examined and approved, such as: charter changes, Apimondia Executive Board members and Science Commissions Presidents shifting, work planning for the upcoming years, forums and conferences planning, prior years financial statements and planning for the upcoming years, new members adoption and old members exclusion for violation or failure to pay the contribution, the election of the country that will host the next International Apimondia Congress in four years etc.
  • Tourist program – several sightseeing tours over the most prominent monuments and attractions of Kyiv, one-day technical tours over beekeepers facilities in Kyiv and Kyiv region, many pre- and post-tours over the beekeeping and tourist sights of Ukraine – all that is proposed for delegates and everyone interested to meet and share experience with beekeepers and their apiaries, apiarian products manufacturers and their enterprises, to visit beekeeping museums and scientific institutions, Ukrainian nature and significant historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine in within the Tourist program of the Congress.
  • Internet broadcasting of all events and activities (except for pre-and post-tour) of the XXXXIII International Apimondia congress will be available for beekeeping world audience on the Internet.

Such event as XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress is going to have a great influence not only over the development of the beekeeping industry in Ukraine, but also will strengthen the image and prestige of Ukraine in the world, and help to establish many important international relations that will significantly enrich the world’s apiculture.