Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations and other organizations working within the apiculture sector that integrates leading specialists, scientists, businessmen and public figures of beekeeping industry.
The headquarters of the Federation is located in Rome. The head of the organization is the President of Apimondia – Gilles Ratia. The Secretary General of Apimondia is Riccardo Jannoni-Sebastianini.
Today members of Apimondia are represented by different beekeepers association from more than 115 countries. Every two years since 1897, Apimondia is holding in different countries International Apicultural Congresses that are the largest events in the world of beekeeping.
Apimondia facilitates scientific, technical, environmental, social and economic development of beekeeping in different world’s countries.
International Apimondia Congresses have an aim to give an opportunity of exchanging of information, personal experience and achievements among beekeepers, scientist, honey-traders and equipment manufacturers, agents for development, technicians and legislators. The right to host the Congress has to be won in competition among the other applicants by the clamming country.
For the effective solutions of the most important tasks Apimondia closely cooperates with:
- FAO and other UN agencies (PNUD, UNIDO, etc.)
- Regional associations such as:
- Apislavia
- AAA (Asian Apicultural Association)
- Balkan Beekeeping Federation
- FILAPI (Iberico-Latino-Americano)
- Nordic Beekeeper Association
- EBPA (European Professional Beekeepers Association)
- ACBO (Association of Caribbean Beekeepers Organizations)
- Arab Beekeepers’ Union
- ApiTrade Africa
- Etc.
- Other beekeeping association such as:
- CoLoss (Colony Losses Scientific Network)
- IBRA (International Bee Research Association)
- IHC (International Honey Commission)
- HIPA (Association of Honey Importers)
- FEEDM (Fédération Européenne Des Emballeurs Et Distributeurs De Miel European Federation of Honey Packers and Distributors)
- Etc.
Nowadays, the Apimondia structure includes apiarianassociations frommore than115 countries.The total number ofbeekeepers, worldwide apiarian association members that are a part of Apimondia, encounters3,548,863 people.

The total number of professionals who are not beekeepers, but their work is closely related to beekeeping (scientists, apitherapists, educators, traders, equipment and medicinal products manufacturers, veterinary drugs manufacturers, representatives of tourist companies, government agencies and others), and who are considered to be a part of Apimondia, encounters about 15% of the number of beekeepers – worldwide beekeepers associations members.